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Posts in category Immune System

Article: How Can Cannabis Help Cancer...

Article: How Can Cannabis Help Cancer?

Below is an excerpt from a news article found on leafly.com, Feb 2016:  Cannabis contains at least 85 different types of cannabinoids, the active chemicals that create drug-like effects throughout the body. The impact of these cannabinoids in treating cancer symptoms as well as the side effects of cancer therapies is so favorable, cannabinoids are […]

What Is Clinical Endocannabinoid Defi...

What Is Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency?

The article below is copied from theimpactnetwork.org and posted here for archival and educational purposes Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) was coined by Dr. Ethan Russo in 2004 to characterize symptoms found when there is not enough endocannabinoid system signaling. Most of the disease states related to CECD are marked by chronic pain, dysfunctional immune systems, fatigue, and mood imbalances. […]