Examining the Health Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinoids & Terpenes; natural constituents found in whole Hemp oil. Hemp has been utilized for centuries as food and medicine. CBD Hemp Oil delivers health benefits without the "high". Many consider CBD to be the single most important cannabiniod ever discovered. HempOilFacts.com helps you feed your starving endocannabinoid system, and empower yourself (and others). Share the knowledge!

What if I Don’t Want to Get High?

symbolcbdIf you rather not take medical marijuana (which contains TCH), experience a debilitating high, or risk psychosis, there are other options. Chief among them is CBD hemp oil, the natural botanical extract of the hemp plant, which can be imported to and purchased in all states without violating the laws regarding cannabis.

CBD hemp oil is derived from hemp, a particular variety of cannabis. While you can find hemp oil in many local stores, store-bought hemp oil is usually derived from hemp seeds and doesn’t contain a significant concentration of CBD that pure CBD hemp oil contains.

CBD hemp oil is extracted oil from hemp that contains a significant amount of CBD and other nutritious materials like terpenes and omega-3s.

This answer is curtusy of: http://medicalmarijuanainc.com/your-definitive-overview-on-medical-cannabis/#sthash.ip1zyapj.dpuf

CBD-rich Hemp Oil Entourage Effect, Synergy Between Cannabinoids, Terpenoids, Flavonoids, Waxes, Chlorophyll