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U.S. House Voted to Increase Veterans Access to Medical Marijuana

ushousehempcanabislawsMay 19, 2016
U.S. House just voted (233 to 189) to prevent the VA from spending money to enforce a current policy that prohibits its government doctors from filling out medical marijuana recommendation forms in states where the drug is legal.

The policy states: “It is Veterans Health Administration policy to prohibit Department of Veterans Affairs providers from completing forms seeking recommendations or opinions regarding a Veteran’s participation in a State marijuana program.”

The wording I had before — “to allow Veterans Administration doctors to recommend cannabis to veterans, so they can get it in states that have legalized it.” is misleading.

Please do not assume you can run down to the VA and have your doctor give you a form recommending cannabis as a treatment. It’s just one more step in the process. We do not know when the amendment will reach the Senate floor.

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