Examining the Health Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinoids & Terpenes; natural constituents found in whole Hemp oil. Hemp has been utilized for centuries as food and medicine. CBD Hemp Oil delivers health benefits without the "high". Many consider CBD to be the single most important cannabiniod ever discovered. HempOilFacts.com helps you feed your starving endocannabinoid system, and empower yourself (and others). Share the knowledge!

How Can I Save on CBD oil? Coupons? Wholesale?

If you purchase at a retail store you pay full retail prices and taxes.

kannawaycbdoilcouponWays to save:

1- Purchase online, unfortunately CBD products are not found on amazon or other large supplement stores. You can find them on ebay. eBay would be the best place for competitive pricing, but you have a couple risks there, one is the quality, you simply dont know enough about what’s being sold, where it came from, if the producer stands behind it, etc.. second is the lack of user reviews (as on Amazon where you can read product reviews).
So, research the company making your product. Ask, are they committed to cannabis and the environment, are they sourcing from family farms, grown without pesticides or chemicals,,, research the quality of their oil, the sourcing of the plants, and the ingredients in the products. Avoid preservatives, sorbates, etc.

Personally, I only use Kannaway’s products, and I’m not saying this because I am affiliated with them, i became affiliated with them because of how I liked the products I tried.

2- Join the only CBD direct sales company (Kannaway) and purchase at lowered prices, gain points and an income when you or others purchase, and a potential for a good income depending on where you take it.

3- Setup ‘smart shipping’ with Kannaway for the reduced prices (If you do not care to join the direct marketing program) and get lowered prices. You can edit the smart ship at any time to change what’s planned to ship, i change mine often and find it useful to re-supply myself with RevivePro or HempVap, and travel salve packets,  for those using the beauty products this is perfect.

4- Contact me for a $50 gift card on your first order with Kannaway, a leader and advocate for the highest quality therapeutic CBD cannabis products

CBD Coupons

Personally, I only use Kannaway’s products, and I’m not saying this because I am affiliated with them, it is the other way, I became affiliated with them because of how I liked the products I tried.   Browse more on this website to find about the company, where they get their hemp (cannabis) from etc